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Most couples only consider marriage counseling when their relationship is on the brink of disaster. But that shouldn't be the only time when you think about improving your most important relationship!

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"The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the Lord."

Proverbs 18:22 NLT

Coffee Shop Consultation
How It Works

How It

What do we offer?

In our sessions, we will confront any of the typical dysfunctions or stressors that hamper the marriage relationship, including communication, finances, infidelity, blended families, sex, conflicts, parenting, and so much more.


Whenever appropriate, we leverage various assessment tools to help gain further insight into a couple’s marital condition so that we can personalize a strategy for moving forward.

What does the process look like?

At a minimum, we recommend that a couple meet with us for an introductory session to gauge fit, establish a baseline, and formulate a plan. The number of sessions recommended will vary for each relationship depending on its condition and need for support.


Our goal is simple: to help you reconnect, rekindle, and recommit to your covenant, while empowering you to confidently move forward together.

Why is it important?

Whether you are looking to repair and rebuild your relationship or hoping to make a good marriage better, counseling can be vital in providing much-needed direction and tools. It also provides a safe place for both husband and wife to hear as well as be heard, to understand and be understood, and to be held accountable for their part.


"Without good direction, people lose their way; the more wise counsel you follow, the better your chances." (Proverbs 11:14 MSG)

Ron & Janet have been mentors of ours for over a decade. Their fun and relatable personalities make it easy to be open and honest.  Every session is entertaining with a lot of wisdom and tough love.  We leave feeling challenged and encouraged every time we meet with them!

Jake & Sarah



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