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Painting Your Marriage Picture

Ron & Janet Biagini

Updated: Feb 2

In today's world, we often hear about the importance of workplace culture—how a positive environment can boost productivity and satisfaction, while a toxic one can lead to burnout and high turnover. But have you ever considered that your marriage has its own unique culture too?

Think of your marriage culture as a blank canvas. You have the opportunity to paint it however you choose. But for it to truly work, it must be a collaborative effort where both partners are aligned and active participants in the process.

• You can paint it with patience and forgiveness, or with intolerance and resentment.

• You can paint it with laughter and teamwork, or with drama and selfishness.

• You can paint it with trust and mutual respect, or with suspicion and disregard.


As a couple, the choice is yours!


What exactly is a marriage culture? It's the set of shared values, practices, and behaviors that define how you and your spouse interact with each other and the world around you. It's reflected in:

👉 How you communicate with each other

👉 The way you make decisions together

👉 How others perceive your relationship

👉 The language used when family members talk about your marriage

👉 Your approach to forgiveness and reconciliation

It's important to remember that your marriage culture isn't static—it's a living, breathing entity that evolves over time. Some days it may feel like you're in perfect harmony, while other times you might hit a rough patch. The key is to recognize that you and your spouse have the power to shape and nurture your culture every single day through your words and actions.


The Bible offers beautiful guidance for cultivating a positive marriage culture. Ephesians 4:2-3 says, "Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other's faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace." This verse encourages us to approach our spouse with humility, gentleness, and patience—essential ingredients for a thriving marriage culture.


One powerful way to enhance your marriage culture is by creating an atmosphere of grace. This means not only forgiving mistakes but truly letting them go. It's about choosing to see the best in your partner, even when they're not at their best. When you cultivate a culture of grace, you create a safe space for both of you to be authentic and vulnerable.


Another vital aspect of a healthy marriage culture is mutual honor and affection. Romans 12:10 captures this idea: "Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other." When you consistently show genuine affection and take joy in honoring your spouse, you reinforce a culture of love and respect that can weather any storm.


For those who have been married for years, remember that it's never too late to introduce new traditions, habits, or resolutions into your relationship. Your marriage culture can always be refined and improved!


The goal isn't to create a perfect marriage—such a thing doesn't exist. Instead, aim to create a culture that's perfectly yours, one where both you and your spouse can grow not just closer to each other, but also into the people that God intended for you to be. Your unique love story deserves a culture that reflects your values, strengthens your bond, and brings out the best in both of you.


So, take a moment to reflect on your current marriage culture. What aspects do you love? What areas could use some attention? Remember, you have the power to shape your marriage culture every day. Through prayer and with intentionality and commitment, you can create a thriving environment where your relationship can flourish for years to come.

Ron and Janet Biagini have dedicated more than 30 years to empowering and equipping couples to achieve God’s best for their marriages. Through Capture International they offer inspirational Biblical teaching on marriage, along with transformational marriage counseling and relationship coaching. Married for 41 years, they’ve been blessed with 4 children and 13 grandchildren.


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