Reflecting on 2023, our hearts are filled with gratitude for both the beautiful moments as well as the challenging ones that caused us to lean into our faith in Christ. It has been a year that holds great significance for many. While some have experienced the joys of a new or renewed marriage, others may have felt the pain of divorce. We count ourselves privileged to walk alongside people during life’s most precious moments bringing God’s healing and refreshing to them.
This year we’ve had the honor of coaching many premarital couples as they prepared to embark on their new journeys. We’ve also counseled couples who were in much need of realignment with what God’s word has to say about marriage. In our sessions, couples discover the power of forgiveness, learn how to effectively communicate and listen for understanding, and identify new ways to stay connected, just to name a few.
For the Biagini household, it has been an eventful year to say the least. We packed up and moved from the suburbs to the country—to a town of just over three hundred. Who would have seen that one coming! We were blessed to have“Biagini Homes” build us our dream home. Chandler and Kaila did an incredible job working with their mama to fulfill a tall wish list! The highlight…we now have the joy of living right next door to them and get to do life together. We are truly blessed!
Closing out this year, we want to encourage you to reflect on your own marriage journey and take ownership for it. If you’ve been around us for any length of time, you’ve probably heard us say, “Your marriage is exactly what the two of you have invested in it.” The good news is that the end of your story has not yet been written. It’s amazing what God can do with surrendered hearts! May the Lord bless you abundantly in the coming year.